Our therapists are psychological and counseling trainees who are supervised by experienced licensed supervisors to offer the following on-site and virtual clinical services:
Individual Therapy
- Includes Detailed Professional/Therapeutic Assessment of Presenting Concern(s).
- Process-Oriented Focus on What Happens.
- Collaboration on Establishment of a Transformative Therapeutic Goal.
- Exploration of the Risks and Impediments for Achieving Goal.
- Theory-Based Interventions Tailored to Facilitating Goal and Sustaining Change.
- Theory-Based Treatment Plan.
- In-Session Progress Check-ins.
- Research of Current Case Literature.
- Summary of Therapeutic Progress at Closing.
- 15-minute Between-Session Voice Consult.
- 5-hour Response Time.
Couple Therapy
- Includes Detailed Professional/Therapeutic Assessment of Presenting Concern.
- Includes Genogram Assessment Detailing Quality of Relationships.
- Process-Oriented Focus on What Happens.
- Collaboration on Establishment of a Transformative Therapeutic Goal.
- Exploration of Risks and Impediments for Achieving Goal.
- Includes Depiction of Interaction Sequence.
- Theory-Based Treatment Plan.
- Research of Current Case Literature.
- Summary of Therapeutic Progress at Closing.
- 15-minute Between-Session Voice Consult.
- 5-hour Response Time.
Family Therapy
- Includes Detailed Professional/Therapeutic Assessment of Presenting Concern
- Includes Genogram Assessment Detailing Quality of Relationships
- Process-Oriented Focus on What Happens
- Collaboration on Establishment of a Transformative Therapeutic Goal
- Exploration of Risks and Impediments for Achieving Goal.
- Experiential Exercises.
- Six-Sessions Brief Therapy Approach.
- Structural Family Map Detailing Boundaries.
- Research of Current Case Literature.
- Theory-based Treatment Plan.
- Summary of Therapeutic Progress at Closing.
- 15-minute Between-Session Voice Consults.
- 5-hour Response Time.
Group Therapy
Process groups of 6 participants focused on support, grief, coping, racism, multiculturalism, existential concerns or emerging socio-political systemic concerns.
Parent-Child Therapy
Focused on introducing therapeutic communication and behavioral strategies for strengthening the parent-child relationship.
AAMFT Approved Supervisor Credentialing Support
Provides18-month commitment for supervision of supervision toward the credential.
- Case Literature Reviews
- Commitment to 18 monthly consults over the span of 18 months.
- Consults on Applied Supervision
- Consults on Cross-Cultural Supervision
- Consults on Curriculum Vitae
- Consults on Theory of Supervision
- Consults/review of Theory of Supervision Paper
- Consults on Manuscript Preparation
- Consults on Self-of-Supervisor
- Consults on Profession-of-Supervisor
- Consults on Relations-of-Supervisor
- Consults on Culture of Supervisor
- Endorsement of Hours
- Networking Opportunities
- Professional Development Support
- Recommendation Letters/Reference Inclusion
- Post-supervisor designation on-going collaboration and support.